A Little Bit About Collaging…and Handmade Paper

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A collage is an assemblage of diverse fragments in unexpected juxtaposition creating a unique work of art. The 8” by 6 ¾” collage shown here is part of that process. When considering the fractals laid before me, something takes over and begins to move the pieces like fitting a puzzle together. The gingko leaf that is included adds an element of nature to this special little piece.

A favorite art form of mine is handmade paper, from simple sheets that may be used in journals to sculptural pieces. Personal writings or paper mementos can be torn and included in the pulp mixture which then is formed into a sculpture. Beautiful sheets of paper come as a delightful surprise according to each unique batch of pulp used. I have made paper vessels and sculptures that contain snips of a beloved pet’s hair as a memorial art piece. I refer to the paper making process here because there is a very fine piece of hand pulled cotton included in this collage.

Also included, are antique postcards with beautiful handwriting. I found the postcards at an antiques barn in Ashville, NC. To discover beauty and form in unusual places is an extremely important part of the artmaking process for me, be it in nature or in an old barn. To incorporate these pieces into my artwork is a joy. This little piece allows the recognition and appreciation of heartfelt communication to come to life again.